The envelope icon at the top of most screens takes you to your message feed. This used to display a list of messages in an email style format, and require you to tap on an item to view the message itself. This has been replaced with a feed of messages, most recent at the top. Each box contains the details of a specific message about a specific patient. The sender is at the top right corner in purple, along with when the message was sent. The priority of the message is in orange at the top. Regular messages will be blank, but Urgent and STAT messages will be indicated as such. The patient name and message itself shown in the middle of the box. There are 4 icons below the message, and we will talk about each one individually. The first icon which looks like a voice bubble is QuickResponse. This allow you to respond to the message without leaving this screen. Tap the icon, a popup will appear, type your message and then press send. This will be the equivalent of reply all. So you can respond to multiple messages very quickly without leaving this screen. The next icon is the Message list. When you tap this icon a screen will slide up and show you all of the messages to date which have been associated with that particular patient. Closing the slide up screen will bring you right back to the feed where you were. The trash icon will archive this message, which will disappear from view. Last is the Option icon. This will launch a menu of options which can be carried out on that particular message.