A PDF containing step-by-step instructions with pictures is available to view or download at the bottom of the page.

HybridChart provides the ability to customize Flags for your Practice. Flags are viewed directly from the patient list and may be used to indicate things that are notable, for example: high risk patients, patients in isolation, etc.  NOTE: There are 25 Flags for your Practice to choose from (one for each letter of the alphabet), but the letter D is hard-coded to represent “Discharge Orders”.

Add or Remove a Flag


  1. Navigate to the SuperBill View by clicking on “SuperBill”.

2. If you need to change the Census, use the drop-down menu to change the Census location. 

3. Click the name of the Patient you want to add a Flag for. When their name appears on the right side of the screen, click the FLAGS tab. 

4. Click the checkbox next to the Flag(s) you wish to add. To remove a Flag, click the checkbox next to the Flag you wish to remove.


5. Flags that are currently selected will appear on the patient list under the Provider names.