A PDF containing step-by-step instructions with pictures is available to view or download at the bottom of the page.

Understanding Charts

When a Patient is added to the Census in HybridChart, they are added as an anonymous Patient and not linked to a Chart unless they were added from an EHR database.

What does this mean? When you add a Patient, you can manage their census information, capture a charge, send a secure message, and gather data.

However, if you want to process Charges or ReAdmit, ReActivate, or add the Patient from the HybridChart Database in the future, the Patient MUST be linked to a Chart. 

Patients do not need to be linked to a Chart when they are added because Providers need the ability to add Patients in HybridChart quickly and independently with minimal data entry so their workflow is not disrupted. Adding a Patient without Linking them to a Chart allows for quick access to all the functionality mentioned above.

Once the basics are in the system, the Provider support team can go back in and correct any errors and create a Chart in the EHR if necessary.

Creating Charts

Creating a new Chart is a one-time process – once a Patient is linked, they will not need to be linked again. Charts are created when the Patient is assigned an ID number in the CHART tab. There are several options for this:

· EHR ID: This is the most common type of Chart ID and is a manual process. The patient is linked to a Chart using the EHR ID from the Practice’s outpatient EHR or billing software. If an integration is in place, this may be done using the CHART tab on the SuperBill view. This typically occurs when the Patient is admitted to HybridChart before they have a chart in the EHR.

· Patient MRN/Account Number: This is a manual process. When the Patient is added to the Census, the MRN or Account Number is set as a required field. The Practice links the Patient to a Chart in the Billing Queue using the CHART tab by typing the MRN or Account Number in the CHART ID field.

· Other Patient ID: This is a manual process. The Practice links the Patient to a Chart in the Billing Queue using the CHART tab by typing a designated identifier in the CHART ID field.

· Unspecified ID: This is an automated process. HybridChart assigns Chart ID numbers in a sequential fashion to allow for processing of Charges. This option is NOT appropriate for Practices that want to control the ID number assigned to the Chart.

 To see step-by-step details about how to link Patients to Chart, see HOW-TO GUIDE: Patients - Link a Patient to a Chart and/or HOW-TO GUIDE: Billing - Link a Patient to a Chart.