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The Forms management tool allows you to add, edit, and delete Forms.  

Forms Basics

Forms are customizable for your Practice. Users can fill out Forms to track relevant data points.

Forms Fields

· TEXT BOX: A small free-text box.

· TEXT AREA: A larger free-text box.

· LIST: A drop-down list that the User may select from.  

· CHECKBOX: A checkbox that Users may check.

· LABEL: A header that appears in the Form pop-up. This cannot be changed by the User. This is ideal for use as an explanation or instructions.  

Forms Examples

Forms is a powerful tool. Here are some examples of how it can be used:

· TRACK RELAVANT FINDINGS: If Patients are seen multiple times for similar procedures, create a Form to track relevant data that can be quickly accessed prior to the procedure. For example, if a Patient is coming in for a repeat endoscopy, the previous relevant findings can be viewed in HybridChart without needing to track down and go through the entire report.

· IDENTIFY RESEARCH PATIENTS: Create a Form that asks the pertinent initial screening questions for a research trial your Practice is participating in. This allows the Provider to quickly identify potential patients while still in an inpatient setting.

· TRACK WOUNDS: Track the size, color, and any wound findings for a Patient.

Create a Form

1. From the Administration Section, click Forms.

2. Click the + sign in the Forms column.


3. Type the name of the Forms into the NEW FORM box and click ADD.


4. When the Form is added, it will automatically be in a DISABLED status. To activate the Form, click the DISABLED box. 

Add Fields to a Form

1. To add Fields to the Form, click the name of the Form you wish to work on. Then click the + button at the top of the Fields column.

2. The NEW FIELD will appear on the far-right column. Type the name of the Field Label in the Field Label box, then choose the Field Type from the drop-down menu. Click ADD FIELD to add the Field.

3. If you are creating a List, enter the Field Label and ADD FIELD. Then, click back on the list and enter the List Options. When you have entered the List Options, click ADD to add the Option to the List. You may continue to add List Options as needed.

· VALUE: The VALUE is what is stored in the system and reports for this field.

· DISPLAY: The DISPLAY is what the User sees when entering data into the form. 


Edit Fields

1. Use the up and down arrows to adjust the order of the Fields.


2. To deactivate a Field, click the ACTIVE button. To reactivate a Field, click the DISBALED button.


3. To edit a Field, click on it and enter the updated information in the EDIT FIELD section in the far-right column. When you’re done, click UPDATE LABEL.