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The Tickets Assigned Report is an interactive report. It displays the Tickets assigned to a specific User, or the Tickets that were processed by a specific User.

Run Tickets Assigned Report

1. From the Billing section, hover over Billing and click Tickets Assigned.

2. Set the Search Criteria and click RUN REPORT.


· Use the CENSUS drop-down menu to select a specific Census.

· Use the BILLER drop-down menu to select a specific Biller. This displays Tickets that are assigned to a specific User. 

· Use the SORT BY drop-down menu to sort the results by Patient, Date of Service, Date Assigned, or Processor.


3. Results will display in the right-side column.

4. To print or download the report, click PRINT/DOWNLOAD.


5. Click PRINT or DOWNLOAD in the pop-up, as appropriate. Downloaded reports will export to an Excel CSV file. Printed reports will open in a separate tab for printing.

 Manage Tickets Assigned Report

1. To unassign or reassign a Ticket, click anywhere on the row in the results area for the Ticket you wish to adjust.

2. A pop-up will appear.


· OPTION 1: UNASSIGN AND PUT BACK IN QUEUE: This Option takes the Charge and places it back in the Billing Queue.

· OPTION 2: ASSIGN TO ME AND WORK: This assigns the Charge to you and takes you to the Billing Section to work.

· OPTION 3: ASSIGN: This allows you to assign the Charge to another User.