Marking for Discharge allows you to indicate that a Patient is ready to be Discharged but complete the actual Discharge process later in the Discharge Manager. This is especially useful for groups where several Providers (such as a surgeon and residents, or a physician and PA) are involved in the Patient’s care. It should be noted that using the QuickDC feature is the fastest way to Discharge a Patient.
Marking a Patient for Discharge
1. In the Patients section, navigate to the SuperBill view.
2. If you need to capture a Charge from another Census, use the drop-down menu to change the Census location.
3. Click the name of the Patient you wish to add Discharge instructions for, then click the DISCHARGE tab.
4. Toggle the MARKED FOR DISCHARGE button to the right.
Using the Discharge Manager
1. Navigate to the Discharge Manager by clicking the Discharges View from the Patients section.
2. The Discharge Manager is divided into two sections – your Discharges on the left, and all pending Discharges on the right. If the Patient was Marked for Discharge in error, hover over their name and click UNMARK to remove them from the list.
3. To complete the Discharge process for a Patient, click their name and you will be taken to the Discharge screen. Enter the Patient’s follow up instructions, Metrics, etc. This process is the same as when using QuickDC. For more details, please review How-To Guide – Patients – Discharging a Patient Using QuickDC. When you click DISCHARGE PATIENT to complete the Discharge, you will be returned to the Discharge Manager page.