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Charge Flow Diagram 

For Charge Flow Diagram, please see attached documentation.

Charge Status Terms
• ON HOLD: Charges ON HOLD have been placed by an NP/PA or Resident. Charges ON HOLD must be approved by the Physician assigned as the Primary Biller. NOTE: NP/PA Charges are not placed ON HOLD unless your Practice has this specific setting enabled. If you are not sure about your Practice’s settings, contact your Administrator.
• RECEIVED: Charges in RECEIVED status have been placed by the Provider but have not been assigned to a Biller to work or processed.
• ASSIGNED: Charges in ASSIGNED status have been assigned to a Biller to work on but have not yet been processed. Once a charge is in an ASSIGNED status, it cannot be removed by the Provider.
• PROCESSED: Charges in PROCESSED status are completed Charges, meaning they have been processed from HybridChart and entered into the EHR/Billing Software. Once a charge is in an PROCESSED status, it cannot be removed by the Provider.